The Gates of Light: Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5   Stars In Their Courses Gettysburg, 1863   “They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought . . . .” Judg. 5:20   It was Wednesday evening, June 10, 1863.  The sun rested on the western horizon.  The day had been a...

The Gates of Light: Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4   A Terrible Gale Chancellorsville, 1863   “And, Behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness . . . .” Job 1:19   It was a cold, blustery evening in February, 1863, normal for Washington at this time of year.  The President, wearing his...

The Gates of Light: Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3   Landscape Turned Red Antietam, September, 1862   “. . . the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover the slain.” Isa. 26:1   It was late August of 1862.  The first hints of fall touched sky and land.  The...

The Gates of Light: Chapter 2

  CHAPTER 2   Hell Opened Before Us The Peninsula, 1862   “The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.” Ps. 18:5   Time speaks through its hushed and solemn voice of memory.  But a few short months had...

The Gates of Light: Chapter 1

  CHAPTER 1   The Valley of Shadows Christmas, 1860   “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me . . . .” Ps. 23:4   The farm was nestled in the valley of the Sandy River. ...