The Living Fountain: References

125 Reference List The Holy Bible. The authorized version. Anselm, Saint. St. Anselm. Translated by Sidney Norton Deane. La Salle, Ill.: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1951. Aristotle. Categorae. Works, Vol. 1. Edited by W. D. Ross. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press,...

The Living Fountain: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Existence and Significance: History and Discontinuity Our discussion of pagan redemption has shown that the pagan themes bear a measure of resemblance to those of Christianity. The devotees of the various cults experienced a sense of renewal through...

The Living Fountain: Chapter 3

Wilbur Marshall Urban, Humanity and Deity (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1 1951), p. 344. 49 Chapter 3 The Symbolism of Grace Science does not give us literal truth about the cosmos whereas religion gives us symbolic. The scientific propositions are no less...

The Living Foundation: Chapter 2

Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, tr. Ralph Manheim (3 vols.: 1 New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955-57), II, 29. 24 Chapter 2 The Symbolism of Science The awareness of the outer world is not the awareness of reality in itself. The object of our...

The Living Foundation: Preface

The Living Fountain: The Symbolism of Grace J. Prescott Johnson Copyright © 2003 by J. Prescott Johnson Eric H. Johnson 1926-1995 For Eric In Memoriam And he said unto me, It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is...

The Living Foundation: Chapter 1

1 Chapter 1 The Formation of Myth There is a level of experience consisting in a passive receptivity to an indeterminate outer material. It is an unformed, inchoate stream of sensory contents. This is the level of sensory consciousness. Now, it is impossible to remain...