Jesus The Messiah

Jesus The Messiah By J. Prescott Johnson, Ph.D., Northwestern University Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Monmouth Col. Il. Book 1 The Preparation for the Gospel Preface The Gospels give four different views of the historical Jesus: the divine promise, the Messiah,...

Jesus: Relevance

Part 1: Ancient Time Part 2: Contemporary Time Part 1 The relevance of ancient time, the historic time of Jesus’ magnificent and heroic life, is well-known by us today. We remember the miraculous occasion of his birth in a stable, surrounded by the lowing of cattle,...

Death and Judgment

Death and Judgment J. Prescott Johnson, Ph.D., Northwestern University Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Monmouth College (IL) κα_ καθ__σσv _πόκειται τo_ς _vθρώπoις _παξ _πoθαvε_v, μετ_ δ_ τo_τo κρίσις… And  as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this...

The Gift of Remembrance

The Gift of Remembrance J. Prescott Johnson, Ph.D. Northwestern University Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Monmouth College (IL) The French theistic existentialist writer, Gabriel Marcel, has said that we have an obligation to remember the dead. I do not remember...