
We are the children of God,
Brought into existence by the love of God,
The God who longed for those who
In serving Him would find their happiness.

But, as children often do, they
Thought they were wiser than God,
And pursued paths bringing only misery,
Such that they brought their own ruin.

However, God would not give up,
He was determine to save those whom he created,
And sent His only beloved Son,
To earth from heaven to die for their salvation.

There came then, upon earth,
Grace greater than our sins,
A most remarkable benefit
Given to us for our redemption.

Today, now, we walk in the paths of grace,
All the old perverse ways
In which once we walked in arrogance
Now buried in the depth of the past.

The God who is our great companion
Now bequeaths with authority and power
Our ability to find in Him strength,
That we might fulfill his will.

We become God’s agents,
To bring the message of hope
To those who sorrow,
That they might find joy.

Copyright © 2012 by J. Prescott Johnson