Reference List
The Holy Bible. The authorized version.

Anselm, Saint. St. Anselm. Translated by Sidney Norton Deane. La Salle, Ill.: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1951.

Aristotle. Categorae. Works, Vol. 1. Edited by W. D. Ross. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1928 .

Aristophanes. Ranae. Translated by Bickley Rogers. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1924.

Buttrick, George Arthur, ed. The Interpreter’s Bible. 12 vols. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987.

Campbell, Joseph. The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology. New York: The Viking Press, 1959.

Cassirer, Ernst. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. 3 vols. Translated by Ralph Manheim. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955-57.

Clarke, Adam. The Holy Bible. 6 vols. New York: Carlton & Porter, 1857.

Demosthenes. Aristogeiton. Translated by J. H. Vince. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1935.

Eddington, A. S. The Nature of the Physical World. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1929.

—–. The Philosophy of Physical Science. New York: The Macmillan Co., 193 9. Euripides, Bacchae. Translated by Gilbert Murray. London: George Alan & Unwin, Ltd., 1904.
—–. Fragmenta. Parisilis, Editore Ambrosiio Firmin Didot, 1846.

Freeman, Kathleen. Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957.

Hesiod. The Homeric Hymns and Homerica. Translated by Hugh G. Evyln-White. London: Heinemann, 1929.

Höffding, Harald. The Philosophy of Religion. Translated by B. E. Meyer. 126 London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1914.

Henry, Matthew. Commentary on the Whole Bible. 6 vols. New York: Fleming H. Revell Co., n.d.

Homer. Iliad. Translated by Richmond Lattimore. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, c,1951.

—–. Odyssey. Translated by Richmond Lattimore. New York: Harper & Row, c. 1951.

Husserl, Edmund. Ideas. Translated by W. R. Boyce Gibson. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1931.

Josephus, Flavius. The Antiquities of the Jews. Winston, William, tr., The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus. Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Co., n.d.

Kaibel, George. Inscriptions Graecae, Sicilae et Italae. Berolini, 1890.

Kierkegaard, Sören. Concluding Unscientific Postscript. Translated by David F. Swenson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944.

—–. Philosophical Fragments. Translated by David F. Swenson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, c1936, 1962.

Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Judgment. Translated by J. H. Bernard. 2 . nd ed., rev. London: Macmillan, 1914.

—–. Critique of Pure Reason. Translated by Norman Kemp Smith. New York: The Humanities Press, 1950.

Kittel, Gerhard, ed. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. 10 vols.

Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1974. Leverett, F. P., ed. Lexicon of the Latin Language. Boston: Wilkins, Carter, & Co., 1850-51.

Liddell, Henry George and Robert Scott, eds. Greek-English Lexicon, abridged. 24 ed. New York: Hinds, Hayden & Eldridge, Inc., 1901. th

Meinong, Alexius. Über Annahmen. 2 ed. Leipzig: Barth, 1910. nd

Otto, Rudolph. The Idea of the Holy. Translated by John W. Harvey. 2 ed. nd London: Oxford University Press, 1950.

Peirce, Charles Sanders. “How to Make Our Ideas Clear.” Popular Science Monthly, 12 (January, 1878), pp. 286-302. In Hartshorne, Charles and

Paul Weiss, eds., Collected Works of Charles Sanders Peirce. 8 vols. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1960-66.

Petronius, Gaius. The Satyricon. Translated by Alfred R. Allison. New York: The Panurge Press, 1930.

Plato. Laws. Translated by R. G. Bury. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.

—–. Phaedo. Translated by Harold North Fowler. Loeb Classical Library. 127 Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953.

—–. Republic. 2 vols. Translated by Paul Shorey. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956.

—–. Timaeus. Translated by R. G. Bury. The Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966.

Plutarch. Moralia. 16 vols. The Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1927-69.

Prudentius. Peristephanon. Translated by H. J. Thompson. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979.

Roberts, Alexander and James Donaldson, eds. The Ante-Nicene Fathers. 10 vols. New York: The Christian Literature Co., 1896.

Sandy, William & Arthur C. Headlam. The Epistle to the Romans. 11 ed. New th York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1906. In The International Critical Commentary.

Schaff, Philip and Henry Wace, eds. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. 14 vols. New York: The Christian Literature Co., 1890-1900.

Schillebeeckx, Edward. Jesus: An Experiment in Christology. Translated by Humbert Hoskins. New York: The Seabury Press, c. 1979.

Smith, Robertson. Lectures on the Religion of the Semites. First Series. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1914.

Tacitus Annalss. Translated by John Jackson. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962.

Urban, W. M. Humanity and Deity. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1951.

—–. The Intelligible World: Metaphysics and Value. London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1929.

—–. “Value, Logic, and Reality.” Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Philosophy. New York: Longmans, 19927.

Willoughby, Harold R. Pagan Regeneration. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1929.