The Nadir of Life

Is the zenith of life gone,
Has the great destroyer,
The ravager of time,
Wrought his destruction,
Paid the penalty,
After the order of time?

Has one but to cow in fear,
Frozen in inactivity,
Remembering in pain
The former days of sunlit glory,
Remembering in anguish that
They shall not return.

If we accept the tides of time
As the absolute and final truth
We can but bow in painful submission
To the flow of endless time,
The ravages of destruction,
As our inevitable destiny of loss.

But there is the Zenith, a voice of promise and hope,
A light whose brightness obscures the darkness,
Causes it to disappear in its own nullity,
A voice that sings the song of redemption,
“But the path of the just is as
The shining light, that shineth
More and more unto the perfect day.”

Copyright © 2012 by J. Prescott Johnson