The Way of Peace

To walk the way of peace,
To be called in the annals of earth
The children of God,
And in heaven the beloved of God.

This is the inheritance we seek,
The inheritance of the saints,
In earth the aim supreme
And in heaven the aim realized.

Then, even in earth
The strife shall cease;
And the lion shall lie down
With the lamb, and the adder
Shall not bite the child.

Then shall the sword
Be turned into plowshares,
And the earth shall yield her fruit,
Then shall one sit under the grape arbor,
And taste the sweet nectar of the wine.

Then shall the spirit be lifted
Above the conflict and noise of earth,
To be replaced by the repose
That knows nothing of earth’s confusion,
But only the harmony of heaven.

Copyright © 2012 by J. Prescott Johnson