The Wings of the Wind

The wind is the voice of movement,
The movement whose strength
Shakes the foundations of earth,
Threatening to destroy its secure place.

It is the wind that also
Gathers the people in its torrent
And tears them apart,
Destroying their companionship.

Then it is that individuals
Look upon each other as but those
To be manipulated as objects
Used for self-aggrandizement.

Society then becomes chaotic,
A sound of fury hurling its rage
Upon all who fall in its grasp,
Thus creating but tension and strife.

Yet, not-withstanding this condition,
There appears the One of old
Who once stilled Galilee’s
Tempestuous and raging waves.

We may, then, by his grace
Be gathered within his arms,
The good shepherd of his people
Who brings harmony to his own.

Copyright © 2012 by J. Prescott Johnson